Sustainability Transformation

for Singapore Manufacturers

Chief Sustainability Officer-as-a-Service (CSOaaS)

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Sustainability is ​everyone's responsibility

In today's world, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword—it's a critical responsibility for ​businesses, governments, and individuals alike. As environmental challenges intensify, the ​need for environmental sustainable practices are paramount. The manufacturing sector, ​being a significant contributor to resource consumption and emissions, holds a unique ​responsibility in driving change. Singapore Manufacturing Federation's Chief Sustainability ​Officer-as-a-Service (CSOaaS) programme empowers companies to kickstart their ​sustainability journey, not just as a compliance measure, but as a core business strategy.

What is Sustainability

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Climate change is impacting ​everyone. These subtle yet ​significant changes highlight the ​urgent need for companies to take ​the first step on their sustainability ​journey. By acting now, we can ​ensure a cleaner, and livable ​planet for our future generations.

What are the Benefits?

Building a Strong Business Case for Embracing Sustainability

Global ESG regulations are adding up - the time to act is now







SGX mandates sustainability ​reporting for all listed ​companies.

Carbon Tax: $45/ tonne

Stricter environmental compliance regulations ​for Manufacturing sector

Carbon Tax: $25/ tonne

Mandatory Scope 3 reporting for listed ​companies

Green Building Standards: Enhanced Building ​and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark ​certification requirements

Mandatory Scope 1 and 2 reporting for non-​listed companies (Annual rev > $1B, total ​assets > $0.5B)

Green Procurement: The government will ​introduce stricter green procurement rules.

Expansion of carbon tax scope to cover ​more industries.

Mandatory Scope 3 reporting for large non-​listed companies (TBC).

Carbon Tax: $50-$80/ tonne

Full Circular Economy ​Implementation: All companies are ​required to meet stringent waste ​management and recycling ​benchmarks

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Bursa Malaysia listed ​companies to disclose ESG ​initiatives and risks as part ​of their annual reports

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions ​Reporting for large companies that are high ​emitters.

Introduction of carbon pricing mechanisms, ​coupled with stricter waste management and ​renewable energy regulations.

Companies in sectors like manufacturing, ​oil & gas, and agriculture will be required ​to report Scope 3 emissions.

Introduction of mandatory carbon reporting for ​SMEs

Full Implementation of ​Carbon Pricing

Round Flag of the Malaysia

OJK Green Taxonomy

Renewable Energy Mandates: New regulations ​may require companies to integrate renewable ​energy into their operations

Stricter Emission Caps: Large industries may ​face stricter emission caps, requiring companies ​to adopt advanced emissions control ​technologies or risk penalties.

Full implementation of a carbon tax ​covering major industries, including mining ​and manufacturing, with additional ​penalties for non-compliance.

Green Product Regulations: Regulations ​surrounding the production and labeling of ​green products will be expanded

Indonesian Flag Circle

Net-zero emissions target for ​specific sectors, with stringent ​penalties for exceeding emissions ​caps.

Strict environmental protection ​rules and launched a national ​emissions trading system ​(ETS) for power generation.

Expanded carbon pricing ​mechanisms, and increased ​accountability for ESG disclosures

Green Product Standards: China will implement ​stricter eco-labeling and green product ​standards across industries

Strengthened sustainability compliance, ​particularly in manufacturing and export ​sectors, with new incentives

Mandatory Scope 3 Emissions Reporting for ​companies.

Renewable Energy Mandates for Large ​corporations.

National emissions trading scheme ​(ETS) fully operational, with tighter ​caps on greenhouse gas emissions.

China flag 3D rendering circle glossy

Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP).

Energy Efficiency Directives for ​industries and large corporations.

Further tightening of ESG reporting ​requirements under the EU Taxonomy.

Mandatory ESG Due Diligence: The Corporate ​Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD)

Introduction of further regulatory initiatives, ​potentially targeting circular economy ​standards and enhanced biodiversity ​reporting.

Zero waste to landfill policy.

EU Climate Law mandates legally ​binding targets for climate ​neutrality by 2050.

EU circularity standards.

Round Flag of the European Union EU

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Mandatory Scope 3 Emissions Reporting for ​large companies.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ​(SFDR)

CSRD Reporting.

EU Taxonomy.

Fit for 55.

Extended Producer ​Responsibility (EPR) Directive

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SEC Climate Risk Disclosure

Infrastructure Investment and ​Jobs Act (IIJA)

Mandatory Scope 3 Emissions Reporting for ​Larger companies.

New energy efficiency standards for buildings ​and industrial operations.

Circular Economy and Waste Management ​Policies.

Enforce stricter emissions regulations, ​particularly for high-polluting sectors ​(Manufacturing).

National-level carbon pricing policy.

Sustainable Product Regulations: Stricter ​guidelines for sustainable product labeling ​and sourcing.

Full implementation of federal ​carbon tax and reinforced climate ​regulations, including mandatory ​renewable energy targets

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There is a growing expectation for transparency and accountability worldwide, SMEs are expected to measure, report, and reduce their carbon ​footprint to meet customer and regulatory demands.

Chief Sustainability Officer-as-a-Service (CSOaaS) ​Programme

Kickstart Your Sustainability Journey:

A Program to Reduce GHG Emissions and ​Enhance Environmental Responsibility

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“I am so overwhelmed by the ​resources available, where and ​how do I get going?”

“Are my employees ​well-versed when ​conversing in the topic ​of sustainability?”

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“I have limited people ​and resources to run ​these initiatives.”

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SMEs are matched with our eco-system partners to ​implement sustainable solutions. Thereafter, a second ​GHG data capture assesses the impact, and successful ​companies will be awarded the G.E.M Bronze Mark, ​recognizing their commitment to sustainability."

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Prioritization & ​Roadmap

Receive expert guidance to ​identify the most critical actions ​that will drive meaningful ​progress towards your ​sustainability goals. A strategic ​roadmap with clear steps, ​timelines, and resources is ​developed to guide SMEs.

Customer: “What is ​your environmental ​sustainability policy ​and carbon emission? - ​this is a vendor ​requirement”

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Awareness ​Training

Employees are introduced to ​environmental sustainability ​concepts, laying the ​foundation for the ​company's sustainability ​journey.

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Gap Assessment

Environmental sustainability ​assessment and scope 1 ​and 2 data capture to ​establish baseline and ​identify gaps.

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3 days duration

Across 2 weeks

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Why Chief Sustainability Officer as a Service?

Earth Global Connections Flat Vector Concept

Foundation for ​Global Compliance

Lays the groundwork for ​compliance with ​international standards, ​positioning your ​business for global ​success and long-term ​resilience

Clean Expressive Business Development Department

Expert guidance

Receive practical ​advice from ​sustainability experts ​well-versed in ​regulatory ​requirements, ensuring ​efficient resource use ​and maximum impact ​for your business.


Earn the G.E.M Bronze, ​Silver, or Gold mark to ​acknowledge your ​sustainability efforts. ​These certifications are ​recognized by industry ​leaders and banks, ​creating opportunities ​for further engagement.

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Marketing Exposure

Gain visibility through ​SMF’s partnerships with ​regulators and industry ​leaders, showcasing your ​sustainability ​achievements and ​enhancing your ​competitive edge.

Community Holding Hands


G.E.M Community

Successful adopters will ​achieve the prestigious ​G.E.M Mark, showcasing ​their commitment to ​sustainability. They will ​also gain entry into the ​exclusive G.E.M ​community, enjoying ​benefits such as ​invitations to networking ​events, marketing ​spotlights, and access to ​quarterly sustainability ​newsletters.

Foundation for Global Compliance


ISO 14001 Certified Environmental Management Shields - Eco-Friendly Standard Assurance

ISO 14001 Environmental

Management System

Up to ​50%

> 80%

> 90%

International Financial ​Reporting Standards

Up to 60% ​requirements mapped

Chief Sustainability Officer-as-a-Service (CSOaaS) Programme

World Earth Day Concept. Green Energy, ESG, Renewable and Sustai
Limited Offer Timer Label With Timer
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enjoy 70% grant offset for ​companies who register before ​31 December 2024

Get started button. 3D illustration.